Strong pre-production is the backbone of any effective video


You need a video to promote a product, service, or idea, but where to start from? Well, this article is all about planning a video in advance so that the actual making process becomes easier and your video becomes more effective. The pre-planning of a video is called pre-production. And you must have a strong pre-production before you start shooting or making the very first clip of your video.

Here is how strong pre-production helps in creating mind-blowing video content:

Clearly define your target audience – Through your videos, you want to convey a message, but if you don’t know who is going to receive your message then all your efforts will be wasted. Setting a very clear audience will help you to make your message stronger and more effective. So in the pre-production phase, you can clearly define your target audience.

Have a strong and clear message – Knowing your message clearly and successfully delivering it is very important for any video’s success. This critical part is completed during pre-production.

Set your budget – Setting up your budget is very important for any video-making process. If you don’t decide your budget in advance you will have big trouble in shooting or creating your videos. Setting a clear budget during pre-production will help you avoid a lot of hassle.

Get your script ready and cross-check it – A successful script makes a video successful. Scripting needs enough time and thoughts to be efficient. The script should also be reviewed to make sure every scene is aligned with the story.

Greeting and sign-off are equally important – All successful video campaigns have a greeting and sign-off in their videos. The greeting is important because it captures the reader’s attention and they know earlier in the video whether it is for them or not.

Get to the point quickly – Giving a brief introduction of what is going to be shown in the video is very important to keep the audience anticipating. This is indeed a crucial part of pre-production. You need to capture the attention and slowly build the ground for infusing ideas and emotions.

Decide the length of your video – How much time you will need to tell your story? Remember, you must be clear and concise while telling the story! You don’t need too much time to make a point or too little that it skips an essential story-building step. Pre-decided video length helps you arrange other things accordingly.

Storyboarding – Storyboarding is all about making a visual map of the actual video before it making. In the pre-production phase, storyboarding is a very crucial part and should never be skipped. Storyboarding makes it easy to shoot video clips, and it clearly outlines the story on paper so it is easy to be understood by everyone involved in the creative process.

Making a list of tools required – Making a list of important tools or equipment is essential. Having everything ready makes video making process more smooth.

Scheduling the shooting – Shooting can be frustrating if you don’t do it in an organized way. In order to have effective shooting management consider the following things:

  • Date and time
  • Location
  • Scene/Shot
  • Tools
  • Professionals needed
  • Contact information

Estimating time – Estimating time will help you decide when to complete what in order to make a video making the process hassle-free.

Locations or studio – The pre-production phase includes location and studio selection. You need to know exactly where the actual shoot will happen in order to have familiarity with the location and its condition.

Indeed, pre-production is a long and exhaustive process, but you have to do it no matter what. If your pre-production is outstanding, your actual video will reflect it. So no matter what kind of video you’re planning to make, work on your pre-production thoroughly in order to make it really effective!

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